For educators interested in growing their students' attention spans from 8 seconds to 18 hour days, VisualTargeting® might be the perfect solution, as it has been proven all around the world to work for any type of individual. Anthony Robbins' Mastery University Executive VP, Pam Hendrickson states, "This is really exciting, fascinating work and a really great technology."
Most of us can remember the countless hours spent in school fighting to keep our own attention on the topics at hand. Professors struggle to keep their students engaged for hours instead of minutes while students struggle to make adequate use of their attention spans. In fact Digital Information World estimates that the average Human Attention Span today is 8 seconds, hardly enough to speak about anything relevant.
A perhaps instinctive yet vastly overlooked aspect of the education process, according to Learn Well Education, is that “Classroom environments, including design, setup and decor, have a tremendous impact on student engagement and success.” In fact, one English study “found that classroom design could be attributed to a 25% impact, positive or negative, on a student's progress over the course of an academic year.” Washington State University has found that “Evidence based classroom design can maximize education outcomes for all [and] Scientific research shows how the physical classroom environment influences student achievement.”
The most powerful educator in the world, and personal coach to every living United States President, along with countless music and movie stars, might be the famous Tony Robbins, who has educated more than 50 million people, and leads Life and Business Mastery events at his worldwide Mastery University, where thousands of people from dozens of countries come together for 18 hour days a week at a time, and miraculously tend to pay attention as every morning they form lines at the doors of the mega classrooms and burst in running to fill up the front rows of what might be the most powerful educational experience for many of their lives.
It is understandable why Tony Robbins was one of the very first people who called Steven Kronick at VisualTargeting® for help when he was rebranding his business and his worldwide Mastery University’s educational event environments. Working closely with Steven Kronick for years, Tony was able to discover countless thousands of his students’ unique Visual Tastes from more than 100 countries, and to apply those findings with his Creative Team to design their learning environments to match the massive groups’ Psychological Visual Preferences.
VisualTargeting® is the world’s only multi patented American technology that finds out what any design needs to look like to attract and satisfy any particular individual or group of people. Built by Designers, Psychologists, Statisticians, it has quickly become the world leader in Visual Preference Testing, and has been used and trusted by Fortune 500s, Businesses, Bestsellers, Celebrities, and Style Enthusiasts in 182 countries. In fact the founder of The Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising (FiDM), Toni DiLorenzo, once asked Steven Kronick to teach the innovation to their graduating design students.
Tony Robbins jokes around on stage about how most people have difficulty sitting through a movie, and a week of 18 hour days of intense life and business training is essentially a miracle. However, this growing miracle, along with Tony’s growing multi million student worldwide fan base, was helped in part by this newly discovered science, and his creative team has said that VisualTargeting® is “Fascinating work, brilliant stuff, a pleasure to finally have a science behind design.” Tony personally states that the VisualTargeting® StyleTest™ that can be used for individual students along with groups, is a “Cool test that shows you what triggers you in people and things,” and suggests “Take 3 minutes and check it out.”
For educators interested in growing their students’ attention spans from 8 seconds to 18 hour days, VisualTargeting® might be the perfect solution, as it has been proven all around the world to work for almost any type of person. The first book ever written about VisualTargeting® is available at Barnes&Noble, Amazon, and GoogleBooks, titled “ATTRACTION How VisualTargeting® Steers Our Choices.” The textbook is available at the Apple Book Store, and both the paperback and audiobook are also available for free at VisualTargeting.com
VisualTargeting® is the new industry standard in design, trusted by Fortune 500s, Businesses, Bestsellers and Celebrities, in 182 countries. VisualTargeting® is an Adobe Solution Partner.